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Its air is much more attenuated than ours

The secular cooling that must someday overtake our planet has already gone far indeed with our neighbour. Its physical condition is still largely a mystery, but we know now that even in its equatorial region the midday temperature barely approaches that of our coldest winter. Its air is much more attenuated than ours, its oceans […]

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The truth is incontrovertible. Panic may resent it, ignorance may deride it, malice may distort it, but there it is.

The aborigine, apparently uninjured, climbed quickly into the skiff.

Nobly the giant battled for his life, beating with his stone hatchet against the bony armor that covered that frightful carcass; but for all the damage he inflicted he might as well have struck with his open palm. At last I could endure no longer to sit supinely by while a fellowman was dragged down […]

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